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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v1.9.1
    1122c41c · v1.9.1 ·
    * Decrease profile button touch target ([\#6900]( Contributed by [ColonisationCaptain](
    * Don't let click events propagate out of context menus ([\#6892](
    * Allow closing Dropdown via its chevron ([\#6885]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#19030 and vector-im/element-web#19030.
    * Improve AUX panel behaviour ([\#6699]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18787 and vector-im/element-web#18787. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * A nicer opening animation for the Image View ([\#6454]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18186 and vector-im/element-web#18186. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * [Release] Fix space hierarchy pagination ([\#6910](
    * Fix leaving space via other client leaving you in undefined-land ([\#6891]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18455 and vector-im/element-web#18455.
    * Handle newer voice message encrypted event format for chat export ([\#6893]( Contributed by [jaiwanth-v](
    * Fix pagination when filtering space hierarchy ([\#6876]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#19235 and vector-im/element-web#19235.
    * Fix spaces null-guard breaking the dispatcher settings watching ([\#6886]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#19223 and vector-im/element-web#19223.
    * Fix space children without specific `order` being sorted after those with one ([\#6878]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#19192 and vector-im/element-web#19192.
    * Ensure that sub-spaces aren't considered for notification badges ([\#6881]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18975 and vector-im/element-web#18975.
    * Fix timeline autoscroll with non-standard DPI settings. ([\#6880]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18984 and vector-im/element-web#18984.
    * Pluck out JoinRuleSettings styles so they apply in space settings too ([\#6879]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#19164 and vector-im/element-web#19164.
    * Null guard around the matrixClient in SpaceStore ([\#6874](
    * Fix issue (https ([\#6871]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#19138 and vector-im/element-web#19138. Contributed by [psrpinto](
    * Fix pills being cut off in message bubble layout ([\#6865]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18627 and vector-im/element-web#18627. Contributed by [robintown](
    * Fix space admin check false positive on multiple admins ([\#6824](
    * Fix the User View ([\#6860]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#19158 and vector-im/element-web#19158.
    * Fix spacing for message composer buttons ([\#6852]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18999 and vector-im/element-web#18999.
    * Always show root event of a thread in room's timeline ([\#6842]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#19016 and vector-im/element-web#19016.
  • v1.9.0
    67f6c60e · v1.9.0 ·
    * Fix space keyboard shortcuts conflicting with native zoom shortcuts ([\#19037]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18481 and undefined/element-web#18481.
    * Say Joining space instead of Joining room where we know its a space ([\#6818]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#19064 and vector-im/element-web#19064.
    * Add warning that some spaces may not be relinked to the newly upgraded room ([\#6805]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18858 and vector-im/element-web#18858.
    * Delabs Spaces, iterate some copy and move communities/space toggle to preferences ([\#6594]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18088, vector-im/element-web#18524 vector-im/element-web#18088 and vector-im/element-web#18088.
    * Show "Message" in the user info panel instead of "Start chat" ([\#6319]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#17877 and vector-im/element-web#17877. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix space keyboard shortcuts conflicting with native zoom shortcuts ([\#6804](
    * Replace plain text emoji at the end of a line ([\#6784]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18833 and vector-im/element-web#18833. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Simplify Space Panel layout and fix some edge cases ([\#6800]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18694 and vector-im/element-web#18694.
    * Show unsent message warning on Space Panel buttons ([\#6778]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18891 and vector-im/element-web#18891.
    * Hide mute/unmute button in UserInfo for Spaces as it makes no sense ([\#6790]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#19007 and vector-im/element-web#19007.
    * Fix automatic field population in space create menu not validating ([\#6792]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#19005 and vector-im/element-web#19005.
    * Optimize input label transition on focus ([\#6783]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#12876 and vector-im/element-web#12876. Contributed by [MadLittleMods](
    * Adapt and re-use the RolesRoomSettingsTab for Spaces ([\#6779]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18908 vector-im/element-web#18909 and vector-im/element-web#18908.
    * Deduplicate join rule management between rooms and spaces ([\#6724]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18798 and vector-im/element-web#18798.
    * Add config option to turn on in-room event sending timing metrics ([\#6766](
    * Improve the upgrade for restricted user experience ([\#6764]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18677 and vector-im/element-web#18677.
    * Improve tooltips on space quick actions and explore button ([\#6760]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18528 and vector-im/element-web#18528.
    * Make space members and user info behave more expectedly ([\#6765]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#17018 and vector-im/element-web#17018.
    * hide no-op events and better word param changes ([\#6747]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18597 and vector-im/element-web#18597.
    * Respect relations if they hold valid permissions ([\#6746]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#10935 and vector-im/element-web#10935.
    * Space panel accessibility improvements ([\#6744]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18892 and vector-im/element-web#18892.
    * Fix spacing for message composer buttons ([\#6854](
    * Fix accessing field on oobData which may be undefined ([\#6830]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#19085 and vector-im/element-web#19085.
    * Fix reactions aria-label not being a string and thus being read as [Object object] ([\#6828](
    * Fix missing null guard in space hierarchy pagination ([\#6821]( Fixes matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#6299 and matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#6299.
    * Fix checks to show prompt to start new chats ([\#6812](
    * Fix room list scroll jumps ([\#6777]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#17460 vector-im/element-web#18440 and vector-im/element-web#17460. Contributed by [robintown](
    * Fix various message bubble alignment issues ([\#6785]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18293, vector-im/element-web#18294 vector-im/element-web#18305 and vector-im/element-web#18293. Contributed by [robintown](
    * Make message bubble font size consistent ([\#6795]( Contributed by [robintown](
    * Fix edge cases around joining new room which does not belong to active space ([\#6797]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#19025 and vector-im/element-web#19025.
    * Fix edge case space issues around creation and initial view ([\#6798]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#19023 and vector-im/element-web#19023.
    * Stop spinner on space preview if the join fails ([\#6803]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#19034 and vector-im/element-web#19034.
    * Fix emoji picker and stickerpicker not appearing correctly when opened ([\#6793]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#19012 and vector-im/element-web#19012. Contributed by [Palid](
    * Fix autocomplete not having y-scroll ([\#6794]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18997 and vector-im/element-web#18997. Contributed by [Palid](
    * Fix broken edge case with public space creation with no alias ([\#6791]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#19003 and vector-im/element-web#19003.
    * Redirect from /#/welcome to /#/home if already logged in ([\#6786]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18990 and vector-im/element-web#18990. Contributed by [aaronraimist](
    * Fix build issues from two conflicting PRs landing without merge conflict ([\#6780](
    * Render guest settings only in public rooms/spaces ([\#6693]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18776 and vector-im/element-web#18776. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix message bubble corners being wrong in the presence of hidden events ([\#6776]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18124 and vector-im/element-web#18124. Contributed by [robintown](
    * Debounce read marker update on scroll ([\#6771]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18961 and vector-im/element-web#18961.
    * Use cursor:pointer on space panel buttons ([\#6770]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18951 and vector-im/element-web#18951.
    * Fix regressed tab view buttons in space update toast ([\#6761]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18781 and vector-im/element-web#18781.
  • v1.8.5
    6b35146f · v1.8.5 ·
    * Add bubble highlight styling ([\#6582]( Fixes #18295 and #18295. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Create narrow mode for Composer ([\#6682]( Fixes #18533 and #18533.
    * Prefer alias links over room id in spaces & share ([\#6745]( Fixes #18796 and #18796.
    * Stop automatic playback of voice messages if a non-voice message is encountered ([\#6728]( Fixes #18850 and #18850.
    * Show call length during a call ([\#6700]( Fixes #18566 and #18566. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Serialize and retry mass-leave when leaving space ([\#6737]( Fixes #18789 and #18789.
    * Improve form handling in and around space creation ([\#6739]( Fixes #18775 and #18775.
    * Split autoplay GIFs and videos into different settings ([\#6726]( Fixes #5771 and #5771. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Add autoplay for voice messages ([\#6710]( Fixes #18804, #18715, #18714 #17961 and #18804.
    * Allow to use basic html to format invite messages ([\#6703]( Fixes #15738 and #15738. Contributed by [skolmer](
    * Allow widgets, when eligible, to interact with more rooms as per MSC2762 ([\#6684](
    * Remove arbitrary limits from send/receive events for widgets ([\#6719]( Fixes #17994 and #17994.
    * Reload suggested rooms if we see the state change down /sync ([\#6715]( Fixes #18761 and #18761.
    * When creating private spaces, make the initial rooms restricted if supported ([\#6721]( Fixes #18722 and #18722.
    * Threading exploration work ([\#6658]( Fixes #18532 and #18532.
    * Default to `Don't leave any` when leaving a space ([\#6697]( Fixes #18592 and #18592. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Special case redaction event sending from widgets per MSC2762 ([\#6686]( Fixes #18573 and #18573.
    * Add active speaker indicators ([\#6639]( Fixes #17627 and #17627. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Increase general app performance by optimizing layers ([\#6644]( Fixes #18730 and #18730. Contributed by [Palid](
    * Fix autocomplete not having y-scroll ([\#6802](
    * Fix emoji picker and stickerpicker not appearing correctly when opened ([\#6801](
    * Debounce read marker update on scroll ([\#6774](
    * Fix Space creation wizard go to my first room button behaviour ([\#6748]( Fixes #18764 and #18764.
    * Fix scroll being stuck at bottom ([\#6751]( Fixes #18903 and #18903.
    * Fix widgets not remembering identity verification when asked to. ([\#6742]( Fixes #15631 and #15631.
    * Add missing pluralisation i18n strings for Spaces ([\#6738]( Fixes #18780 and #18780.
    * Make ForgotPassword UX slightly more user friendly ([\#6636]( Fixes #11531 and #11531. Contributed by [Palid](
    * Don't context switch room on SpaceStore ready as it can break permalinks ([\#6730]( Fixes #17974 and #17974.
    * Fix explore rooms button not working during space creation wizard ([\#6729]( Fixes #18762 and #18762.
    * Fix bug where one party's media would sometimes not be shown ([\#6731](
    * Only make the initial space rooms suggested by default ([\#6714]( Fixes #18760 and #18760.
    * Replace fake username in EventTilePreview with a proper loading state ([\#6702]( Fixes #15897 and #15897. Contributed by [skolmer](
    * Don't send prehistorical events to widgets during decryption at startup ([\#6695]( Fixes #18060 and #18060.
    * When creating subspaces properly set restricted join rule ([\#6725]( Fixes #18797 and #18797.
    * Fix the Image View not openning for some pinned messages ([\#6723]( Fixes #18422 and #18422. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Show autocomplete sections vertically ([\#6722]( Fixes #18860 and #18860. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix EmojiPicker filtering to lower case emojibase data strings ([\#6717]( Fixes #18686 and #18686.
    * Clear currentRoomId when viewing home page, fixing document title ([\#6716]( Fixes #18668 and #18668.
    * Fix membership updates to Spaces not applying in real-time ([\#6713]( Fixes #18737 and #18737.
    * Don't show a double stacked invite modals when inviting to Spaces ([\#6698]( Fixes #18745 and #18745. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Remove non-functional DuckDuckGo Autocomplete Provider ([\#6712]( Fixes #18778 and #18778.
    * Filter members on `MemberList` load ([\#6708]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix improper voice messages being produced in Firefox and sometimes other browsers. ([\#6696]( Fixes #18587 and #18587.
    * Fix client forgetting which capabilities a widget was approved for ([\#6685]( Fixes #18786 and #18786.
  • v1.8.4
    4fe261b3 · v1.8.4 ·
    * Fix a security issue with message key sharing. See
    for details.
  • v1.8.2
    fdf99f3d · v1.8.2 ·
    * Enable Pipewire support for Wayland screen-sharing ([\#256]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18607 and vector-im/element-web#18607. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Documentation for sentry config ([\#18608]( Contributed by [novocaine](
    * [Release]Increase general app performance by optimizing layers ([\#6672]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18730 and vector-im/element-web#18730. Contributed by [Palid](
    * Add a warning on E2EE rooms if you try to make them public ([\#5698]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Allow pagination of the space hierarchy and use new APIs ([\#6507]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18089 and vector-im/element-web#18427.
    * Improve emoji in composer ([\#6650]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18593 and vector-im/element-web#18593. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Allow playback of replied-to voice message ([\#6629]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18599 and vector-im/element-web#18599. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Format autocomplete suggestions vertically ([\#6620]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#17574 and vector-im/element-web#17574. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Remember last `MemberList` search query per-room ([\#6640]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18613 and vector-im/element-web#18613. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Sentry rageshakes ([\#6597]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#11111 and vector-im/element-web#11111. Contributed by [novocaine](
    * Autocomplete has been updated to match modern accessibility standards. Navigate via up/down arrows rather than Tab. Enter or Tab to confirm a suggestion. This should be familiar to Slack & Discord users. You can now use Tab to navigate around the application and do more without touching your mouse. No more accidentally sending half of people's names because the completion didn't fire on Enter! ([\#5659]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#4872, vector-im/element-web#11071, vector-im/element-web#17171, vector-im/element-web#15646 vector-im/element-web#4872 and vector-im/element-web#4872.
    * Add new call tile states ([\#6610]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18521 and vector-im/element-web#18521. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Left align call tiles ([\#6609]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Make loading encrypted images look snappier ([\#6590]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#17878 and vector-im/element-web#17862. Contributed by [Palid](
    * Offer a way to create a space based on existing community ([\#6543]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18092.
    * Accessibility improvements in and around Spaces ([\#6569]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18094 and vector-im/element-web#18094.
    * [Release] Fix commit edit history ([\#6690]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18742 and vector-im/element-web#18742. Contributed by [Palid](
    * Fix images not rendering when sent from other clients. ([\#6661]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18702 and vector-im/element-web#18702.
    * Fix autocomplete scrollbar and make the autocomplete a little smaller ([\#6655]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18682 and vector-im/element-web#18682. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix replies on the bubble layout ([\#6451]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18184. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Show "Enable encryption in settings" only when the user can do that ([\#6646]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18646 and vector-im/element-web#18646. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix cross signing setup from settings screen ([\#6633]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#17761 and vector-im/element-web#17761.
    * Fix call tiles on the bubble layout ([\#6647]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18648 and vector-im/element-web#18648. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix error on accessing encrypted media without encryption keys ([\#6625]( Contributed by [Palid](
    * Fix jitsi widget sometimes being permanently stuck in the bottom-right corner ([\#6632]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#17226 and vector-im/element-web#17226. Contributed by [Palid](
    * Fix FilePanel pagination in E2EE rooms ([\#6630]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18415 and vector-im/element-web#18415. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix call tile buttons ([\#6624]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18565 and vector-im/element-web#18565. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix vertical call tile spacing issues ([\#6621]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18558 and vector-im/element-web#18558. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix long display names in call tiles ([\#6618]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18562 and vector-im/element-web#18562. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Avoid access token overflow ([\#6616]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Properly handle media errors  ([\#6615]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix glare related regressions ([\#6614]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18538 and vector-im/element-web#18538. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix long display names in call toasts ([\#6617]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18557 and vector-im/element-web#18557. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix PiP of held calls ([\#6611]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18539 and vector-im/element-web#18539. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix call tile behaviour on narrow layouts ([\#6556]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18398. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix video call persisting when widget removed ([\#6608]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#15703 and vector-im/element-web#15703.
    * Fix toast colors ([\#6606]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Remove tiny scrollbar dot from code blocks ([\#6596]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18474. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Improve handling of pills in the composer ([\#6353]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#10134 vector-im/element-web#10896 and vector-im/element-web#15037. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
  • v1.8.1
    03862cda · v1.8.1 ·
    * Fix multiple VoIP regressions ([matrix-org/matrix-js-sdk#1860](
  • v1.8.0
    9fde6791 · v1.8.0 ·
    * Show how long a call was on call tiles ([\#6570]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18405. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Add regional indicators to emoji picker ([\#6490]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#14963. Contributed by [robintown](
    * Make call control buttons accessible to screen reader users ([\#6181]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18358. Contributed by [pvagner](
    * Skip sending a thumbnail if it is not a sufficient saving over the original ([\#6559]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#17906.
    * Increase PiP snapping speed ([\#6539]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18371. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Improve and move the incoming call toast ([\#6470]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#17912. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Allow all of the URL schemes that Firefox allows ([\#6457]( Contributed by [aaronraimist](
    * Improve bubble layout colors ([\#6452]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18081. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Spaces let users switch between Home and All Rooms behaviours ([\#6497]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18093.
    * Support for MSC2285 (hidden read receipts) ([\#6390]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Group pinned message events with MELS ([\#6349]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#17938. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Make version copiable ([\#6227]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#17603 and vector-im/element-web#18329. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Improve voice messages uploading state ([\#6530]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18226 and vector-im/element-web#18224.
    * Add surround with feature ([\#5510]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Improve call event tile wording ([\#6545]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18376. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Show an avatar/a turned off microphone icon for muted users ([\#6486]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Prompt user to leave rooms/subspaces in a space when leaving space ([\#6424]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18071.
    * Add customisation point to override widget variables ([\#6455]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18035.
    * Add support for screen sharing in 1:1 calls ([\#5992]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Dismiss electron download toast when clicking Open ([\#18267]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18266.
    * [Release] Fix glare related regressions ([\#6622]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * [Release] Fix PiP of held calls ([\#6612]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * [Release] Fix toast colors ([\#6607]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix [object Object] in Widget Permissions ([\#6560]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18384. Contributed by [Palid](
    * Fix right margin for events on IRC layout ([\#6542]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18354.
    * Mirror only usermedia feeds ([\#6512]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#5633. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix LogoutDialog warning + TypeScript migration ([\#6533](
    * Fix the wrong font being used in the room topic field ([\#6527]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18339. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix inconsistent styling for links on hover ([\#6513]( Contributed by [janogarcia](
    * Fix incorrect height for encoded placeholder images ([\#6514]( Contributed by [Palid](
    * Fix call events layout for message bubble ([\#6465]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18144.
    * Improve subspaces and some utilities around room/space creation ([\#6458]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18090 vector-im/element-web#18091 and vector-im/element-web#17256.
    * Restore pointer cursor for SenderProfile in message bubbles ([\#6501]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18249.
    * Fix issues with the Call View ([\#6472]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18221. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Align event list summary read receipts when using message bubbles ([\#6500]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18143.
    * Better positioning for unbubbled events in timeline ([\#6477]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18132.
    * Realign reactions row with messages in modern layout ([\#6491]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18118. Contributed by [robintown](
    * Fix CreateRoomDialog exploding when making public room outside of a space ([\#6492]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18275.
    * Fix call crashing because `element` was undefined ([\#6488]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18270. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Upscale thumbnails to the container size ([\#6589]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18307.
    * Fix create room dialog in spaces no longer adding to the space ([\#6587]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18465.
    * Don't show a modal on call reject/user hangup ([\#6580]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fade Call View Buttons after `componentDidMount` ([\#6581]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18439. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix missing expand button on codeblocks ([\#6565]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18388. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * allow customizing the bubble layout colors ([\#6568]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18408. Contributed by [benneti](
    * Don't flash "Missed call" when accepting a call ([\#6567]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18404. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix clicking whitespaces on replies ([\#6571]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18327. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix disabled state for voice messages + send button tooltip ([\#6562]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18413.
    * Fix voice feed being cut-off ([\#6550]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix sizing issues of the screen picker ([\#6498]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18281. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Stop voice messages that are playing when starting a recording ([\#6563]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18410.
    * Properly set style attribute on shared usercontent iframe ([\#6561]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18414.
    * Null guard space inviter to prevent the app exploding ([\#6558](
    * Make the ringing sound mutable/disablable ([\#6534]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#15591. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix wrong cursor being used in PiP ([\#6551]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18383. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Re-pin Jitsi if the widget already exists ([\#6226]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#17679. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix broken call notification regression ([\#6526]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18335. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * createRoom, only send join rule event if we have a join rule to put in it ([\#6516]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18301.
    * Fix clicking pills inside replies ([\#6508]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18283. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix grecaptcha regression ([\#6503]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#18284. Contributed by [Palid](
  • v1.7.34
    4ceb91b3 · v1.7.34 ·
    * Sanitize untrusted variables from message previews before translation
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#18314
    * Fix editing of `<sub>` & `<sup`> & `<u>`
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#18211
    * Zoom images in lightbox to where the cursor points
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#17870
    * Avoid hitting the settings store from TextForEvent
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#17650
    * Initial MSC3083 + MSC3244 support
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#17686 and vector-im/element-web#17661
    * Navigate to the first room with notifications when clicked on space notification dot
    * Add matrix: to the list of permitted URL schemes
    * Add "Copy Link" to room context menu
    * 💭 Message bubble layout
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#4635, vector-im/element-web#17773 vector-im/element-web#16220 and vector-im/element-web#7687
    * Play only one audio file at a time
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#17439
    * Move download button for media to the action bar
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#17943
    * Improved display of one-to-one call history with summary boxes for each call
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#16409
    * Notification settings UI refresh
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#17782
    * Fix EventIndex double handling events and erroring
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#18008
    * Improve reply rendering
    Fixes vector-im/riot-web#9217, vector-im/riot-web#7633, vector-im/riot-web#7530, vector-im/riot-web#7169, vector-im/riot-web#7151, vector-im/riot-web#6692 vector-im/riot-web#6579 and vector-im/element-web#17440
    * Fix browser history getting stuck looping back to the same room
    * Fix space shortcuts on layouts with non-English keys in the places of numbers
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#17776
    * Fix CreateRoomDialog exploding when making public room outside of a space
    * Fix regression where registration would soft-crash on captcha
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#18284
    * only send join rule event if we have a join rule to put in it
    * Improve the new download button's discoverability and interactions.
    * Fix voice recording UI looking broken while microphone permissions are being requested.
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#18223
    * Match colors of room and user avatars in DMs
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#2449
    * Fix onPaste handler to work with copying files from Finder
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#15536 and vector-im/element-web#16255
    * Fix infinite pagination loop when offline
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#18242
    * Fix blurhash rounded corners missing regression
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#18110
    * Fix position of the space hierarchy spinner
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#18182
    * Fix display of image messages that lack thumbnails
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#18175
    * Fix crash with large audio files.
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#18149
    * Make diff colors in codeblocks more pleasant
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#17939
    * Show the correct audio file duration while loading the file.
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#18160
    * Fix various timeline settings not applying immediately.
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#17748
    * Fix issues with room list duplication
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#14508
    * Fix grecaptcha throwing useless error sometimes
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#15142
    * Update Emojibase and Twemoji and switch to IamCal (Slack-style) shortcodes
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#13857 and vector-im/element-web#13334
    * Respect compound emojis in default avatar initial generation
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#18040
    * Fix bug where the 'other homeserver' field in the server selection dialog would become briefly focus and then unfocus when clicked.
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#18031
    * Standardise spelling and casing of homeserver, identity server, and integration manager
    * Fix widgets not receiving decrypted events when they have permission.
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#17615
    * Prevent client hangs when calculating blurhashes
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#17945
    * Exclude state events from widgets reading room events
    * Cache feature_spaces\* flags to improve performance
  • v1.7.33
    494200d5 · v1.7.33 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Translations update from Weblate
    * Add VS Code to gitignore
    * Use the target-specific build dir for sqlcipher / openssl
    * Fix not specifying a target
    * Do not generate a lockfile when running in CI
    * Use double quotes in readme
    * Support universal builds
    * Check target with rustc directly
  • v1.7.32
    ad337b1f · v1.7.32 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Fix the build: make the rootDir correct
    * Fix i18n in Element Desktop
    * Convert preload.js to Typescript so that it gets copied to `lib`
    * Bundle the `lib` dir now, not `src`
    * Initial Typescripting for Element Desktop
    * Translations update from Weblate
    * Fix Windows target arch in native build
    * Add to default room directory
    * Add update and native build support for Apple silicon
    * Add numpad accelerators for zooming
    * Add warning dialog when custom config.json is invalid
    * Don't show Quit warning on keyUp residual event
    * Fix accelerator for save-image-as clashing with copy-link-address
  • v1.7.31
    a7938ae5 · v1.7.31 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * No changes since rc.1
  • v1.7.31-rc.1
    b23048c5 · v1.7.31-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to Electron 12.0.11
    * Translations update from Weblate
    * Upgrade to Node 14
    * Bump npm-registry-fetch from 4.0.2 to 4.0.7
    * Update electron-builder for Node 16 compatibility
    * Bump hosted-git-info from 2.8.5 to 2.8.9
    * Bump glob-parent from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2
    * Bump dot-prop from 4.2.0 to 4.2.1
    * Bump y18n from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2
    * Bump normalize-url from 4.5.0 to 4.5.1
    * Put Preferences menu item in correct location on macOS
    * Switch zoomIn accelerator to default
  • v1.7.30
    cf5e1eb4 · v1.7.30 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * No changes since rc.1
  • v1.7.30-rc.1
    8a1a3159 · v1.7.30-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Translations update from Weblate
    * Migrate to `eslint-plugin-matrix-org`
    * Upgrade to Electron 12.0.9
  • v1.7.29
    0c43287f · v1.7.29 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * No changes since rc.1
  • v1.7.29-rc.1
    27bce3b9 · v1.7.29-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Translations update from Weblate
    * Translations update from Weblate
  • v1.7.28
    0f6f9472 · v1.7.28 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * No changes since rc.1
  • v1.7.28-rc.1
    d74631a5 · v1.7.28-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Add Windows native module requirements
    * Prevent black screen when closing window while in full screen mode on macOS
  • v1.7.27
    28096f3a · v1.7.27 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * No changes since rc.1
  • v1.7.27-rc.1
    7e34425d · v1.7.27-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Translations update from Weblate
    * Bump ssri from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2
    * Disables HardwareMediaKeyHandling
    * Translations update from Weblate
    * Add internationalisation support
    * Fix event index passphrase change process